St. Patrick's Day Chamber Bowling Tournament
Name: St. Patrick's Day Chamber Bowling TournamentDate: March 11, 2020Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EDTEvent Description:Join us for a fun night of theme-based bowling! Get your team of four bowlers together to compete against other Chamber members for a great team-building event. Event limited to 12 teams, first come first served.Location:Albemarle Lanes Bowling Center
603 S Hughes BlvdDate/Time Information:Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Bowling begins at 5:30 p.m.Contact Information:Trinity HiginbothamFees/Admission:$100 per team. Please choose a festive team name and dress in a St. Patrick's Day theme if you would like! Great fun for all!Set a Reminder:
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