1403 Parkview Dr
    Elizabeth City, NC 27909
    (252) 333-1233
    (252) 333-1201 (fax)
    Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm
    Friday 8am-NOON

    About Us

    Albemarle Alliance for Children and Families, Inc. is a not-for-profit agency established to ensure that children under six years of age benefit from, and have access to, high quality early childhood read more
    • About

      Albemarle Alliance for Children and Families, Inc. is a not-for-profit agency established to ensure that children under six years of age benefit from, and have access to, high quality early childhood education and development services. Our board consists of community leaders from business, government, education, religious institutions, non-profits, communities, human services agencies, childcare providers and families. Albemarle Alliance for Children and Families supports programs and services designed to enhance the quality of early care and education, assist parents in finding and selecting quality programs for their children, and provide strength-based programs to support families parenting young children and children with special needs.

      We provide coaching assistance and professional development services through the following programs for childcare professionals: Technical Assistance, Child Care Health Consultant, Birth to 3 Quality Initiative, Healthy Social Behaviors, Family Child Care, and Professional Development, and our lending library which provides developmentally appropriate learning kits that can be checked out at local public libraries throughout our community.

      AACF provides the following services/programs for families: Childcare resource and referral for families searching for childcare, parenting children with special needs, scholarships for families who may need assistance paying for childcare, and our lending library which provides developmentally appropriate learning kits that can be checked out at local public libraries throughout our community.

    • Media